
Friday, August 17, 2012

50 Pushups

Okay, full disclosure here: I can only do five pushups on my knees before my arms give out.  I know this because, in pursuit of the ability to do 50 consecutive pushups by 8/15/13, I went to the one hundred pushups training program website and did the initial test.  Did I mention that I cannot even do ONE real pushup?

So, the challenge begins Monday (the site recommends three days a week, MWF, and resting after the initial test).  I plan to follow their training program.  Wish me luck!

The List

Well, holy crap.  I turned 29 two days ago, which means that I will be 30 in a mere 363 days.  I have heard of others completing a 30-item bucket list before their 30th birthday, and I've decided that I'd like to do just that.  It's just my cup of tea; I love projects and lists.  So, here we go, in no particular order:

30 Things to Do Before I Turn 30

1) Lose 30 pounds (and keep it off!)
2) Do 50 consecutive REAL push-ups
3) Run a half marathon
4) Visit Grandma at least once a month
5) Visit Grandpa at least once a month
6) Pay off at least $6000 worth of debt
7) Eat a 100% clean diet at home and wherever else possible
8) Eat at Sea Salt
9) Find a volunteer opportunity
10) Read 30 novels
11) Take a cooking class
12) Visit Gramma Joan's grave
13) Visit Grandpa John's grave
14) Go vegetarian for one month
15) Go through clothes and donate what I can
16) Get my car detailed
17) Fix the mirror on my car
18) Back up photos
19) Back up music
20) Get a passport
21) Spend a day at a spa
22) Write a letter to myself to read when I turn 40
23) Meet with a financial planner
24) Develop a skin care routine
25) Stop gossiping
26) Learn to crochet or knit
27) Host a sushi making party
28) Try acupuncture
29) Get a spray tan
30) Get in the routine of flossing